ISO 9001 Certified in Valuation Advisory

ISO 9001 Certified in Valuation Advisory


Valtech Valuation Completes Goodwill Impairment on Water Utilities Project

Categories: Business Valuation, Goodwill Impairment, Intangible Assets|Tags: , , , , , |

Valtech’s valuation team has recently completed engagement on goodwill impairment for esteemed clients operating in the water utilities sector. We pride ourselves on delivering insightful analyses to the unique needs of our clients.

Goodwill: potential directions of development

Categories: Business Valuation, Financial Reporting IFRS HKFRS|Tags: , |

The staff of Hong Kong Institute of CPAs and the staff of Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) published a research paper (RP), Goodwill: Improvements to Subsequent Accounting and an Update of the Quantitative Study in March 2020. We would like to highlight some interesting findings from the paper: A steady increase in

Purchase Price Allocation (PPA)

Categories: Business Valuation|Tags: , , , , |

With respect to the assignment of goodwill and other asset values, valuations for financial reporting purposes involve the allocation of asset values at the reporting unit level, and the acquired assets can be added to an acquirer’s existing reporting units. Book values of assets and liabilities are often different from their fair values. In allocating the purchase price to these assets and liabilities, we step, or write, them up/down to reflect their fair values.

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