ISO 9001 Certified in Valuation Advisory

ISO 9001 Certified in Valuation Advisory

Long Service Payment Valuation (LSP Valuation in Hong Kong)

In the sector of long service payment valuation, Valtech is truly professional and experienced. All of the track records we share with our clients are directly related to LSP valuation but not valuation of other nature. Valtech also provides further support in providing or reviewing figures for accounting disclosure such as sensitivity testing, discount rates etc.

LSP Valuation – Long Service Payments valuation under the New Legislations for Hong Kong Companies

Categories: Long Service Payment Valuation (LSP Valuation in Hong Kong), Financial Reporting IFRS HKFRS, HKAS, News|Tags: , |

Valtech Valuation Assists Hong Kong Companies in Long Service Payments (LSP) Valuation under the New Legislations to abolish offsetting against MPF contribution

Valtech’s Insight: The Importance of Assessing Long Service Payment Liability in Purchase Price Allocation

Categories: PPA Assessment, Business Valuation, Hong Kong Economy and Finance for Valuation, Long Service Payment Valuation (LSP Valuation in Hong Kong), Valtech Insights|Tags: , , , , |

When companies engage in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), accurate financial due diligence is essential for a seamless transaction. One critical yet often overlooked aspect in this process is the assessment of long service payment liability (LSP liability) when performing purchase price allocation (PPA).

Valtech Valuation Completes Long Service Payment Valuation for a Medical Company

Categories: Long Service Payment Valuation (LSP Valuation in Hong Kong), Business Valuation, Financial Reporting IFRS HKFRS|Tags: , , , |

Valtech's experienced team completes a LSP valuation for a medical company in Hong Kong. Learn more about the subsidy scheme and its impact.

Valtech Enhances Accuracy and Compliance in LSP Valuation

Long Service Payments (LSP) Valuation Valtech has conducted review of common models, Excel worksheets, and methodologies used for recording liabilities related to the abolition of the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) offsetting mechanism during our provision of advice on valuation or review opinion to auditors. We have identified several areas for improvement, applicable regardless of

Valtech Valuation Has Developed a Strong Profile in LSP Valuation under HKAS 19

Categories: Long Service Payment Valuation (LSP Valuation in Hong Kong), Business Valuation, Financial Reporting IFRS HKFRS, HKAS|Tags: , , |

Valtech Valuation is actively helping clients with several thousands of employees in quantifying their LSP obligation under the new legislation in a truly detailed manner. In the sector of long service payment valuation, Valtech is truly professional and experienced.

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