Goodwill Impairment Assessment
Valtech’s valuation team has recently completed engagement on goodwill impairment for esteemed clients operating in the water utilities sector. We pride ourselves on delivering insightful analyses to the unique needs of our clients. The clients are prominent players in the water utilities industry, specializing in sewage treatment, water supply and related technical consultancy services. With a commitment to environmental sustainability and community well-being, they are leaders in delivering essential services in China.
Sophisticated Financial Modeling
In this engagement, our dedicated team of valuation experts conducted a thorough assessment of goodwill impairment for our clients within the water utilities sector. The goodwill impairment assessment process undertaken by our team adhered to deep industry practices and standards set forth by regulatory bodies and professional valuation associations. Our approach integrated robust financial modeling techniques, including discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, comparative company analysis, and industry analysis, to assess the fair value of goodwill and identify impairment indicators.
Aligning with Accounting Standard
Furthermore, our valuation specialists applied their expertise in financial accounting standards, such as IAS36 and HKAS36, to ensure compliance and accuracy in the impairment testing process. Throughout the engagement, we fostered a collaborative relationship with auditors to facilitate a comprehensive review process that enhanced confidence in the integrity of our valuation assessments.
Our commitment to excellence, coupled with our proficiency in financial modeling and valuation methodologies, enabled us to deliver comprehensive and actionable insights to our clients, empowering them to make informed strategic decisions in managing goodwill impairment risks.
About Valtech Valuation
Valtech Valuation is a professional valuation firm accredited with ISO-9001 in valuation advisory services. The firm is renowned for its expertise in advanced valuation techniques, customized valuation models, data-driven insights, and adherence to compliance and reporting standards. The firm has a solid track record in valuation advisory for listed companies, private equity, fund managers, and financial institutions. Valtech’s qualified team comprises members with PhDs, CPA (HKICPA), CFA, Chartered Valuation Surveyors of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and valuers accredited with Business Valuation (ABV) by AICPA and CVA qualifications in Singapore. Valtech continues to expand into more markets by leveraging its valuation platform and recruiting local experts.