ISO 9001 Certified in Valuation Advisory

ISO 9001 Certified in Valuation Advisory

Valuation Data Analytics

Our services of analyzing data for supporting financial models or generating insight for better decision making

Intern Research: Comparison among total valuation of companies in different sectors

Categories: Valtech Insights, Valtech's Internship Programme, Valuation Data Analytics|Tags: , |

In our ongoing commitment to advancing academic research in the field of valuation, we are excited to present the topic: "Comparison among total valuation of companies in different sectors." At Valtech Valuation, we prioritize the cultivation of talent and the promotion of logical and innovative thinking based on available data, and today, we are excited to highlight the work of Mr. Leo Chung, a research intern from the University of Hong Kong.

Intern Research: Data Analytics Project on Revenue and Market Capitalisation

Categories: Valtech Insights, Valtech's Internship Programme, Valuation Data Analytics|Tags: |

The second project highlights a compelling data analytics project that examines the impact of company size on the overall financial performance of US listed firms.

VALTECH is ready to assist HKFRS 9

Categories: Financial Reporting IFRS HKFRS, Valuation Data Analytics|Tags: , , |

Requirements under the new HKFRS 9 on Expected Credit Loss: Most Financial Instruments are subject to Expected Credit Loss Assessments under HKFRS 9. ECL typically covers trade receivable, contract assets, loan and other receivables .A Simplified Approach for trade receivable based on a Provision Matrix of Lifetime ECL. A 3-Stage General Approach for loan and other receivables, and as a policy choice for trade and lease receivables with significant financing component. Forward looking economic scenarios and their impacts on a weighted average ECL.

Business Valuation in Hong Kong

Categories: Business Valuation, Valuation Data Analytics|Tags: , |

The demand for business valuation in Hong Kong has been growing steadily over the years along with the growth of the number of listed companies in Hong Kong. Listed  company requires business valuation to fulfill the requirements of fair value accounting. Business valuers or appraisers are also appointed in acquisition or disposal transaction to

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