ISO 9001 Certified in Valuation Advisory

ISO 9001 Certified in Valuation Advisory

Valtech’s Internship Programme

Intern Research: Comparison among total valuation of companies in different sectors

Categories: Valtech's Internship Programme, Valtech Insights, Valuation Data Analytics|Tags: , |

In our ongoing commitment to advancing academic research in the field of valuation, we are excited to present the topic: "Comparison among total valuation of companies in different sectors." At Valtech Valuation, we prioritize the cultivation of talent and the promotion of logical and innovative thinking based on available data, and today, we are excited to highlight the work of Mr. Leo Chung, a research intern from the University of Hong Kong.

Intern Research: Data Analytics Project on Revenue and Market Capitalisation

Categories: Valtech's Internship Programme, Valtech Insights, Valuation Data Analytics|Tags: |

The second project highlights a compelling data analytics project that examines the impact of company size on the overall financial performance of US listed firms.

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