Valtech Valuation, headquartered in Hong Kong, has recently completed valuations for several Asia-focused investment funds, including renowned state-owned asset managers and the fund management arms of famous brokerage firms in Mainland China. These valuations included both traditional financial assets and derivative contracts, which have assisted our clients in their financial reporting, mark-to-market for regular disclosures to investors, and the compilation of financial statements.

The Hong Kong Government has a vision to establish Hong Kong as a leading hub for family offices and an international asset management center. To support this goal, tax concessions will be granted to Family-owned Investment Holding Vehicles (“FIHV”). Furthermore, with the potential for fundraising and startups in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area, the investment market in Hong Kong is promising.

In every deal, price is a significant concern, and the market value of investments plays a pivotal role in a fund’s financial statements. Valuation needs arise during the planning stage of a deal, when an independent opinion on market value is sought by the buyer or seller, and after an investment is made for subsequent reporting purposes.

With the goals of tapping the right business opportunities and supporting the development of the financial services industry, Valtech positions itself as a professional and independent valuation firm leveraging valuation technologies and a quality management system to provide cost-effective and efficient valuation support. Offering efficient and cost-effective valuations facilitates efficient investment reporting and enhances transparency in the market.

Confronted with potential competition from AI, Valtech continuously reviews and upgrades its systems and workflows to ensure delivering auditable and supportable valuations with identifiable responsible persons, often equipped with CPA and CFA qualifications for the engagement. Unlike typical valuation practices, valuations for funds require sophisticated valuation techniques and strong accounting concepts. Fund investments encompass a wide range of assets, including public and private bonds, private equity, structured swaps, pre-IPO investments and other derivative contracts. Some private bonds may have limited trading activity or contain conversion or other derivative features, tranches, collateral, or guarantees. In certain circumstances, underlying investments may have experienced default or trading suspension. Valtech has developed relevant workflows and systems to handle such circumstances.

About Valtech Valuation

Valtech Valuation is a professional valuation firm accredited with ISO-9001 in valuation advisory services. The firm is renowned for its expertise in advanced valuation techniques, customized valuation models, data-driven insights, and adherence to compliance and reporting standards. With a solid track record in valuation advisory for listed companies, private equity, fund managers, and financial institutions, Valtech Valuation is well-positioned to serve the needs of funds and family offices.

About Valtech Valuation

Valtech provides all-round valuation services including business valuation advisory, expected credit loss valuation, property valuation, mining valuation and valuation for other assets with ISO 9001 certified quality management system. Our team is experienced in serving listed companies, private equity and companies working for IPO. We were formed by a team of professionals with diversity of expertise and experience.  Besides, Valtech team has hand-on experience in valuing specialized assets such as biological assets and mineral assets.

Business Valuation | Property Valuation | Expected Credit Loss (ECL) | Financial Instruments Valuation