Valuation Support for Company Group

Valtech Valuation’s Team has recently completed a business valuation for a privately-owned company based in Hong Kong, which is currently undergoing a restructuring process. The company and its subsidiaries, collectively referred to as the “Group,” are primarily engaged in the manufacturing and trading of garments and denim, with each subsidiary performing distinct functions for the parent company. Our goal was to provide a valuation opinion on the fair value of the Group for their internal reference.

Given the Group’s relatively sophisticated structure, it was crucial to accurately determine the presence of any potential minority interests. Additionally, considering the increasing complexity of the business landscapes in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Hong Kong, we conducted a comprehensive industry study to assess the reasonableness of our client’s financial projections. The selection of market comparable companies and market benchmarking were also essential in determining the fair value of the Group. Leveraging our professional experience, we meticulously addressed every critical aspect of the valuation.

As we continue to strengthen our global presence, these meticulous valuation practices remain integral to our commitment to sound financial governance and reporting.

About Valtech Valuation

Valtech Valuation is a professional valuation firm accredited with ISO-9001 in valuation advisory services. The firm is renowned for its expertise in advanced valuation techniques, customized valuation models, data-driven insights, and adherence to compliance and reporting standards. The firm has a solid track record in valuation advisory for listed companies, private equity, fund managers, and financial institutions. Valtech’s qualified team comprises members with PhDs, CPA (HKICPA), CFA, Chartered Valuation Surveyors of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and valuers accredited with Business Valuation (ABV) by AICPA and CVA qualifications in Singapore. Valtech continues to expand into more markets by leveraging its valuation platform and recruiting local experts.

Valtech Valuation

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