ISO 9001 Certified in Valuation Advisory

ISO 9001 Certified in Valuation Advisory

ECL Assessment

Valtech Valuation Assesses the Credit Loss Rates for Financial Liabilities

Categories: Business Valuation, ECL Assessment, Financial Instruments|Tags: , , , |

Valtech Valuation Team recently conducted an assessment of the expected credit loss rates associated with financial guarantee liabilities on an aggregate loan portfolio basis. Our findings underwent rigorous auditor’s review for financial reporting purpose.

Valtech’s valuation completed ECL for a Hong Kong-based media company

Categories: ECL Assessment, Financial Reporting IFRS HKFRS|Tags: , , , |

We invested a significant amount of time in identifying suitable market benchmarks to determine loss rates for these counterparties. Given the diverse nature of these counterparties, including differences in industry, nature, and size, our team faced challenges in developing a systematic approach to derive objective results.

Valtech Demonstrated How Certified Public Accountants in Valuation Firm Can Enhance Reliability of ECL and Valuation

Categories: About Valtech, Business Valuation, Careers, ECL Assessment|Tags: , , , |

Valtech Valuation ("Valtech"), a Hong Kong-based valuation firm, has recognised and demonstrated an increasingly pivotal role played by Certified Public Accountants ("CPAs") in ensuring full compliance with relevant statutory standards when preparing and reviewing expected credit loss (“ECL”) assessments and other valuations.

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